Financing Luxury Company Cars for A Travel Infrastructure Contractor

A few years ago, we were approached by a travel infrastructure maintenance contractor with a unique requirement: securing financing for two luxury company cars for their directors. With plenty of vehicle financing options available on the market, the challenge was to find a solution that not only met their needs but exceeded their expectations.

Our client sought to finance two Maseratis, aiming to provide their directors with a prestigious driving experience. While the market offers numerous vehicle financing packages, standard dealer offers often fall short in terms of flexibility and competitiveness. The client needed a solution that delivered more than just standard terms- it had to be tailored to their specific requirements while offering competitive rates.

After thoroughly understanding the client’s needs, we leveraged our network and expertise to offer a financing solution that beat standard dealer offers by a significant margin. By securing the most competitive terms, we made the decision clear for the client, ensuring that they could provide their directors with the luxury vehicles they desired, without compromising on cost or quality.

Our approach to finance goes beyond just securing a loan. We focus on understanding the individual needs of each client and offering solutions that are personalised to their business objectives. This case exemplified our ability to deliver results that go beyond standard offerings.

Thanks to our bespoke financing solution, the client was able to secure financing for two Maseratis, perfectly meeting their requirements for luxury company cars. This success story is yet another example of how Blue Sky Finance delivers more than just financing—we offer solutions that align with our clients' goals, providing value far beyond expectations!

If you're in need of tailored vehicle financing solutions, whether for standard or luxury vehicles, Blue Sky Finance is here to help.

Get in touch today to discover how we can secure the best deal for you.