Frequently Asked

How long does it take to arrange the finance?

If the equipment is available for immediate delivery, we can look to sort the finance out in 48 hours.

We have paid cash for the equipment and wished we had financed. Can we still finance this?

Yes, this is known as Sale and Leaseback. For equipment up to 12 months old we can finance the full balance. For older equipment, a valuation can be sort and a lend against the current value can be looked at.

What do people mean when they say Leasing is Assured?

In simple terms, a bank can call in the overdraft and, loans on demand even if you have been making the payments on time. But leasing once agreed is set and can never be called in if the payments are being met giving the business peace of mind.

Are the agreements fixed monthly payments?

Yes, all the finance we offer is fixed rate ensuring the business can budget.

What is the benefit over using my bank?

Your bank is your companies core working capital line. It might be required for a rainy day, covering payroll when a debtor is late paying so don’t tie up all your credit with the bank on your equipment finance when this can be sourced through a third party leaving your bank facilities free for emergencies or smoothing the general working capital of the business.

Why use a finance broker?

In a nutshell, we can survey the whole market and get the best solution from a host of providers, and taking all the work out of trying to find the right funding solution.